Day 42 (August 12th)

Usual morning routine, except I also made my lunch because I forgot to do that yesterday. It rained pretty much all day today which meant I got absolutely soaked in my bike ride to work. Despite it being my last day, it was pretty normal. There was a little girl that told me I was her favorite camp leader and another girl who made me a bracelet. After getting wet again on the bike ride home, I showered and then me and Nat went and got pop corn for our end exchange corn roast. Just before we went, we took some family pictures, our family gave us some things to remeber them by and we said goodbye to Vincent and Audrey because they won’t be here tomorrow. Then we went to the corn roast at Tae’s house. There was corn on the cob, corn soup, corn salsa, corn bread, pop corn and various other corn related things. James-Elizabeth had made us calenders with pictures of us in them, and we gave her her card and present. There was a campfire and some singing and it was generally a vary nice evening. Plus there was pavlova so ya. After our corn roast, we went home and packed or things and went to bed. The 6 weeks flew by, and I’m going to miss Quebec and the people in it, but I’m sure I’ll come back one day and I’m ready to go home.

One thought on “Day 42 (August 12th)

  1. Robin says:

    Too bad your last day was a rainy one – but the corn roast sounds great! We’ve been to Silver Rill a few times ourselves. And nice that you will have pictures to remember your experience by. Home soon!

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