Day 40 (August 10th)

Usual morning routine. Today at work we made masks because it’s super hero week and we’re gonna wear them tomorrow. After work, me and Nat and Tae went and got snacks for the train and then me and Nat had a lovely family dinner with our host family, our host brother’s girlfriend Audrey and some good friends of Gilberte’s (and their doggy!!!). We had home made sausages, ribs, cauliflower, salad, fresh bread, rice and pineapple upsidedown cake and nut/rice crispy/fruit/chocolate bars that Audrey made. It was very nice to get to know some more of the community and we laughed and talked and just generally had a very good time. Then I finished my superhero mask, made my lunch, had a shower and went to bed. I really enjoyed our family evening. I very pleasant last Wednesday.

One thought on “Day 40 (August 10th)

  1. Robin says:

    Which superhero will you be? I know another doggy that will be happy to see you soon (tho she is very good friends with Véro). Sounds like a lovely evening.

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