Day 36 (August 6th)

I didn’t get up until 10:15AM today. When I did get up, I helped Gilberte make crepes and then ate those crepes with raspberries. After that, Gilberte took me and Nat to the little tiny open air market down the street (there were like 5 stalls and one of them was just a guy with two crates of eggplants). Then we went to vieux Saint-rose where there was another (larger) market. We looked around for a bit and then went to our volunteering activity. When we got there, we weren’t actually in the right place, but when we texted James-Elizabeth, she said she was going to be a half hour late anyways, so me and Nat got sushi for lunch. Then we did our volunteering, which was garbage clean up in this park and on a little beach. After that, we went to get ice cream. I had frozen pineapple yogurt, which was really very good.

After that, me and Eliza and Nat headed to our house and we had a really nice dinner. It was roasted chicken with carrots and potatoes yams and rutabagas cooked with it and pickled beats on the side. It reminded me a bit of a Christmas dinner. Then we went to the grocery store and got some snacks and then came home and roasted marshmallows over the fire. Tae came over at that point and we had another sit around the fire and talk kind of evening. Then Eliza went home and me and Nat and Tae watched Alice in wonderland. Then we walked Tae home and went to bed. Not a super eventful day, but fun all the same.

One thought on “Day 36 (August 6th)

  1. Robin says:

    Hilarious – we took Véro to the Moss St. market and also had sushi – just a few hours behind you! Nothing better after volunteering than ice cream – even if you did get photo-bummed. And more good food… nice!

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