I had a home made bagel with cream cheese for breakfast this morning. There was a new soccer coach this morning who’s filling in this week for one of the coaches from last week. Her name is Katherine and she speaks English really well and is about my age and is really nice. There was a bunch of new staff, or at least I didn’t meet them last week so they are new to me. There’s also a new co leader like me that just started this week. There was also a random donkey at work. I don’t really know why it was there but it was and it was pretty cute so I just kinda went with it. For lunch Gilberte had made us this really good rice salad thing with rice and lentles and tomatoes stuff. I was with a large group of kids who’s ages I don’t know but it was trying in the afternoon cuz they were all tired. When I got home from work I showered and braided my hair. Then we had salmon and quinoa and vegetables for dinner. After dinner put the laundry on and then me and Nat went for a walk around the neighborhood. We went to the library by our house which is really cute but they grow eggplants outside just casually.
Anyways, there was that. When we got back, we made our lunches and then I had a snack of a homemade bagel, toasted with butter and a cup of fruity tea. There’s so much food in this house. There’s like tones of home made bread and bagels and oatmeal cookies and granola bars stuff. Then a quick Skype with the family plus Vero (the student who’s living in my house and who’s house I’m living in) and then it was time for bed. Today was really random but my quote of the day was “I love wondering. Cuz like sometimes you don’t find anything, and sometimes you find eggplants!”